Genealogical research in the Federal Archives
Family research is a comprehensive data matching process.
In the process, each search can confirm, update or expand the information already available.
Ad Acta Recherchen not only supports you in your search for personal documents in the Federal Archives. In addition, we search for traces of tradition in subject files.
What are personal documents?
These are documents containing data of at least one natural person. They are subject to a special protection period of 100 years. The period begins with the year of birth of the person(s) concerned if no date of death can be determined. However, the protection period can be shortened on application, e.g. if - as in the case of family research - a legitimate interest can be proven. The basis for the protection period is the § 11 of the Federal Archives Act.
What are subject files?
Subject files are documents that are assigned to a subject. Depending on the tradition, these files have their own holdings or are integrated into thematically similar holdings. If there is no other regulation, e.g. provisions on secrecy, the protection period for subject files ends after 30 years. Here, too, the basis is § 11 of the Federal Archives Act. Examples of subject files that may be helpful for family research in the Federal Archives can be found here (Example resettlement).
Finding aids for family research in the Federal Archives
In order to find data, various means are available for genealogical research in Berlin-Lichterfelde.
Finding aids are ...
Information on the archive material
Partly outdated information
Index cards are ...
Information for family research
Often to be searched manually
Databases are
Digital information on the archive material
Only accessible in the Federal Archives with all permissions